
Passion for model-based Systems


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We support visionary companies and people.

With model-based systems to entrepreneurial success

Successful companies achieve their goals because they have transparency about their current “as-is” status, know their target and how to reach it. With a model-based approach, objectives and tasks are developed on a solid basis and allow to reach the company goals.

We further developed the approach of Enterprise Architecture with the use of modelling. This allows a transparent, holistic visualization of the company’s current tasks.

Modeling creates the solid basis for innovation, change management and documentation. We support and accompany companies and organizations, partners and customers, with tools, methods, training and coaching.

We at Lieber.Group are the experts for modeling enterprise and system architecture.

We differentiate:

  • the information and application architecture for software / applications, data, roles, …
  • the technology and infrastructure architecture for digital and non-digital infrastructure, databases, etc.
  • the business architecture for business processes, products and services, …

We have a technical understanding of methods, processes and tools.

When introducing modeling in your company, we practice a pragmatic approach.

You do not have to start on the green field, but can keep your existing software and try out modeling within a pilot project.

It is important to adapt the modeling approach to your company or to the project. With this approach, you will attain the results you are focusing on.

Agile Structures

Relevance and transparency enables companies to move into agile structures.

Our four companies support and accompany our customers and partners in this task. Customer orientation comes first, not as a mandatory program, but because we are modeling enthusiasts ourselves.

With modeling, we shape the sustainable and resilient future together with our customers and our partners.

“We understand ourselves as enabler.”

Our enterprise portfolio

The 4 companies of the Lieber.Group demonstrate the enthusiasm for modeling and architecture.

They encompass

  • products and tools
  • customer specific services and
  • user-targeted trainings.

We from Sparx Systems have the tools to optimally support companies and organizations in their architecture tasks: Enterprise Architect, ProCloud Server and Prolaborate.

We are experts in planning, designing and implementing active Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) based on Enterprise Architect and Prolaborate from Sparx Systems.

LieberLieber is the skilled Enterprise Architect (Sparx Systems) specialist with decades of experience in the development of customer-specific models.

ThreatGet Logo

Holistic Cyber Security by Design: we offer a holistic consulting methodology to consulting partners with clients in the security-critical environment.

Our Industries

The strength of a model-based approach plays out especially in safety-critical and/or highly regulated environments. Our customers are therefore leading companies in these sectors:


Financial Industries, Banking and Insurance

Automotive and OEMs


Safety-critial infrastructure like energy providers


“We understand visionary modeling techniques and can translate them into tools.”

“We are proud to be recognized not only for our innovations, but also for the practical implementation of our visions.”

LieberLieber Software GmbH

Category winner “Industry 4.0”, eAward 2020

In June 2019, THREATGET was presented, the solution for checking the cyber security of vehicles jointly developed by LieberLieber and AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. On January 29, the product has now received the eAward 2020 in the category “Industry 4.0”. The eAward from is one of the most important Austrian IT awards. It honors economical, customer-friendly and innovative IT projects of Austrian companies.

Sparx Services CE

Nomination Human Resources, Ethics & CSR, Constantinus Award 2021


Austria’s major consulting, accounting and IT prize has been awarded annually since 2003 and is an initiative of the professional association for management consulting, accounting and information technology (UBIT). We at Sparx Services submitted our joint project with ECCOStandards & More KG in the category “Human Resources, Ethics and CSR”. It combines Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) with enterprise architecture.

Sparx Services CE

Nomination “Organization”, Solutions for New Business, eAward 2021

The eAward: Solutions for New Business highlights which new opportunities will emerge from the crisis – and which efficient tools, resource-saving and innovative solutions will remain in the long run. As EAM enthusiasts, we submitted a project with a customer example. Just the last (online) weeks have shown us once again how Enterprise Architecture Management, combined with the methodology modeling, is suitable for teamwork.


Winner category “Digitalisation” and “IoT”, Constantius Award 2021

ThreatGet: Cyber Security by Design, holistic consulting for IT experts in security-critical technology architecture

Sparx Services CE

Nomination category “Environment & Social Affairs”, eAward Solutions for New Business 2021

Sparx Services CE, ECCOStandards & More KG

SDG4SME Anchoring sustainability & business excellence in the company through enterprise architecture management

News from our Companies


Sparx Blended Training for SysML, UML, MBSE and Enterprise Architect: Public Trainings 2022

Peter’s Viewpoint: from Operation to Innovation. Blog by Peter Lieber

Company Founder Peter Lieber

Peter Lieber

Company Founder and Parallel Entrepreneur, Company Founder and Parallel Entrepreneur, his companies Sparx Systems CE, Sparx Services CE / Switzerland, LieberLieber Software and ThreatGet provide innovation-driven information technology: model-based software, consulting, education and training. Its strategic direction aims to provide customers with a contribution to the digital and social value chain. Peter Lieber is President of the Austrian Trade Association (ÖGV), President of the TGM Board of Trustees, President of WAF and Vice-President of the Austrian Software Industry Association (VÖSI).

Be Part of Lieber.Group

Would you also like to become part of the Lieber.Group?

As a partner or as a new colleague? We look forward to hearing from you.

SparxSystems Software GmbH
+43 (0) 662 90 600 2041

LieberLieber Software GmbH
+43 (0) 662 90 600 2017

Sparx Services
4biz Consulting GmbH
+43 (0) 662 90 600 2041 

Lieber.Group Innovation & Services
+43 (0)662 90 600 2041


SparxSystems Software (Switzerland) GmbH
+43 0 79 102 83 60


SparxSystems Software k.s.



LieberLieber Software Corp
001 832 390 2461